"When I was a child I played with childish things. Now that I am a man I still play with childish things, just bigger more expensive ones..."

Saturday 28 September 2013

Thousand Son Marines

I'll be brief and get to the good stuff..... I've just finished putting together the prototype for one of my Thousand Marine squad.   He's a heavy kit bash and designed to look very much like and automaton.

Base - Micro Art Studio, (I forget the name)
Legs - Forgeworld, MkIII Iron Marines
Chest Front - GW, Thousand Son Kit
Chest Back - GW, Grey Knights in Power Armour
Arms - GW, Thousand Son Kit
Shoulder Pads - Forgeworld, MkIII Iron Marines
Head - Max Mini, Mecha Egyptian Heads
Backpack - GW, Chaos Backpack Bits
Gun - GW, Thousand Son Kit
Flame - GW, Burning Chariot